College Distinction

The Faculty’s academic programmes for postgraduate studies:-

Postgraduate programmes
[Postgraduate diploma

Admission requirements for the Master’s degree:-

To be admitted for a master’s degree in the relevant specialty, one of the following qualifications is required:
A.  Bachelor’s degree with honours with average grade Good (second class honours – second lower) as minimum a minimum.
B. Bachelor degree with honours with average grade Pass (third class honours), however, the student should study a number of qualifying courses from previous level in a period of no more than two semesters and no less than one semester.
C. A general bachelor’s degree with a grade of at least good, in addition to a qualifying year during which the student passes the courses with a grade of good as a minimum.
D. A general bachelor’s degree with average grade Pass, in addition to postgraduate diploma.

Admission requirements for the Postgraduate Diploma :- 

Admission requirements for the Postgraduate Diploma degree:-
General Bachelor’s degree with average grade Good (second class) as a minimum.
A general bachelor’s degree with an acceptable grade, provided that the student studies a number of preparatory courses for the previous stage in a period not exceeding two semesters and not less than one semester.

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